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Webinar Registration

Webinars have evolved at a great level today because of high-tech and fast speed networks. It saves a big time and money to travel from one location to another location. Big multinationals highly depend on webinars to conduct their important meetings.

Webinars refers to a service that allows conferencing events to be shared with remote locations. These are sometimes referred to as web conferencing. They are used for interactive conferences, online workshops and so on. The service allows real-time point-to-point communications and multicast communications from one sender to many receivers. Web conferencing include meetings, training events, lectures, or short presentations from any computer.

Attendants and recipients for such webinars are the people whose names should not be disclosed to other businesses or people outside. Hence BISSBAY works with highly professional staff whose first priority is secrecy and confidentiality. We work on behalf of your company to inform, invite, and remind the recipients to be online on a webinar server at that particular time. Those people can be from inside of the organization or can also be third-party attendees.


BISSBAY works as per your accordance to obtain the list of invitees and invite them to attend the webinar or web-conference. And also will play an important role to remind them through difference means of communication before the webinar is going to begin. We use reliable SMS services, Emails, phone calls and also chat if required to gather all of the invitees on time without any failure. BISSBAY also works with total professionalism without missing any deadlines. BISSBAY also kindly considers the priorities and preferences about how would they like to be contacted or reminded after the first formal invitation to them.


  • Reliable Partner For Invitation, Reminders & Feedbacks From Invitees
  • Considers Priorities & Preferences Of The Invitees For Entire Communication
  • Professionalism And Maintaining The Quality Standards Of Your Company
  • Quick Response And Real-Time Call Back Support For Any Queries
  • Fast Avail Of Services With Quick Setup